There's someone you need to meet... |
16 Mayıs 2014 Cuma
Toefl Kelimeleri ve Cümle İçince Kullanılışları
Toefl |
The contamination in the river came from the factory located just upstream.
The prologed war depleted the country's national treasury.
She dispose of her unwanted possesions before moving.
The tyrant cruelly dispose of all this enemies.
Elementally, coal and diamonds are the same.
The enviromental protection agency regulates the emission of the pollutants into the air.
He fell because the ladder wasn't stable
13 Mayıs 2014 Salı
Motivation & Inspiration Quotes
Bilinmesi Gereken Toefl Kelimeleri - 3
Toefl Kelimeleri |
Maximize - Enyüksek büyüklüğe çıkarmak
Arbitrary - Keyfi, seçmeli
Parallel - Aynı doğrultuda olan, paralel
Denominator - Payda, bölen
Proportion - Oran, orantı
Exponentially - Üssel, katlanarak
Rate - Kur, oran
Infinitesimal - Sonsuz küçük değer
Sequence - Silsile, sıra, dizi
9 Mayıs 2014 Cuma
Toefl için Kelimeler
Toefl |
Guess - Tahmin etmek
Guess what I did for the whole of the first week.
Encouragement - Cesaretlendirme
Thanks for your advice and encouragement .
Depend on - Güvenmek
You can depend on your family.
Some people depend on the google to answer these questions.
6 Mayıs 2014 Salı
Toefl için Gerekli Kelimeler
Toefl |
Emission - Emisyon
Contamination - Kirlenme(mikrop, zehir, vb. ile)
Extinction - Sönme, yok olma
Deplete - Tükenmek(bitmek vb.), dökmek
Reservoir - Hazne, su deposu, rezervuar
Dispose of - İmha etmek, yerleştirmek
Shrink - Küçültmek, büzülmek, psikiyatrist
Elementally - Basitçe
Stable - İstikrarlı, kararlı
4 Mayıs 2014 Pazar
Kelimelerin Cümle İçinde Kullanılışları
Toefl |
India is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world.
Modern-day shars envolved from theri acestor Eryops, which lived more than 200 million years ago.
The best feature of this car is its heated seats.
As older managerretired, a new generation of leaders took control of the company.
No job can be interesting all the time. Boredom is inherent in any kind fo work.
The migration of farm workers from one state to the next depends primarily on the harwest.
Because of the shape of its throat,an ape does not have the physical ability to speak.
To get a good job, most people go through a long process of letter-writing and interviews.
After getting lost in the mountains, Gordon survived by the eating wild plants and catching fish.
En Yaygın Toefl Kelimeleri
Toefl |
Inherent - Özünde olan, öz, yaradılıştan gelen
Diverse - Muhtelif, farklı, türlü, çeşitli
Migration - Göç, yer değiştirme
Evolve - Evrim geçirmek, evrilmek
Physical - Bedensel, fiziksel
Feature - Özellik, (özellik olarak) barındırmak
Process - İşlem, süreç, işlemek, proses
Generation - Üretme, kuşak, nesil
Survive - Daha uzun yaşamak, geriye kalmak
2 Mayıs 2014 Cuma
Toefl Sınavı İçin Kelimeler
Toefl |
Ali looked pale and weary.
Marital Status - Medeni hal
His marital status has changed; he is single from now on.
Mention - Bahsetmek
He mentioned tatis mother had been died for a long time ago.
Necessity - Gereklilik
Most women, like men, work due to economic necessity.
Briefly - Kısaca
There are three basic alternatives; they are described briefly below.
Örnek Cümleler
Toefl |
Excessive rainfall early in the spring can adversely affec the planting of crops.
It is impossible to judge last year's performance without knowing the aggregate sales number
The value of the company's stokc plunged after its chief executive was arrested.
The speech about the importance of education made an impact on me.
The constant rain ad poor drainage system caused a flood in town.
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